Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?

Kaiser Permanente

The Kaiser Permanente project in Redwood City, CA is a brand new medical facility due to open in 2014. FDG partnered with Walters & Wolf precast to perform the engineering and drafting for the exterior Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) wall panels for this Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) project. These wall panels included a variety of window and metal panel orientations which added to the overall complexity of the design and detailing. The metal panels and windows were installed in the Walters & Wolf production facility and shipped to the site as a single unit. This process speeds up construction time and allows interior finish to begin their work much quicker than if the windows are installed on site.

Project Details


Walter & Wolf Precast


Rudolph & Sletten, Inc.

Project Gallery

Main elevation with window box panels (lighter color), and spandrel/column cover panels (darker color).

Window box panels adjacent to stair.

Panels with windows and metal paneling.

Lower podium panels.

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